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Upcoming Meetings

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Previous Meetings Resources


Community Meeting: Dual Credit and College Readiness

Cam Jackson from Navarro Community College will be discussing Homeschool Dual Credit Classes, CLEP, and more.
Community Meeting. January 23, 2024, 7:00pm at Stonegate Church

Early Admissions Enrollment Checklist

Testing Information Packet

Homeschool Transcript Guidelines


Socialization…Yes, Our Children Have Friends

The important role that social opportunities play in the life of homeschool students…. and parents!
November 8th, 12:00 in the Maverick Lounge

Community Meeting: Guarding Our Children’s Mental Health

REACH will discuss current drug trends, common maneuvers by teens to avoid detection, mental health warning signs, and social media trends. Part of the program includes a demonstration called “Hidden in Plain Sight”, where a mock bedroom is set up to show how teens often bring drugs into the home or social settings, yet remain undetected. Due to the nature of the information being shared, the meeting will be open to adults only.  Preregistration is required.
November 7th, 7:00pm at Stonegate Church

Community Meeting: Learning Styles and Techniques

Understanding how personality, temperament, love language, and learning styles impact your teaching time
October 11th, 12:00 in the Maverick Lounge

Midyear Meltdown Prevention

Guest speaker will discuss how to maintain your joy, enthusiasm, and focus on the homeschool journey
October 24th, 7:00pm at Camp Hoblitzelle

Community Meeting: Learning Differences 

How to help your child succeed in their individual learning experience
September 19th, 7:00pm at Camp Hoblitzelle

Learning Differences


Homeschool 101

How to start the year off strong: time schedules, organization, teaching tips, and more!
September 13th, 12:00 in the Maverick Lounge