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Request Membership
indicates a required answer
We look forward to having you participate in the Class of 2025 Graduation Ceremony. Once you have completed this form, you will be prompted to pay the $140 non-refundable deposit. This must be completed by Wednesday, October 2nd.
Are you a FED Member?
Parents' Names:
Student's Name:
Methods of Contact
Parent's Cell:
Student's Cell:
Parent's Email:
Student's Email:
I have read the graduation information packet and agree to abide by the FED Graduation Guidelines and adhere to the requirements listed in this contract. I understand that the cost of graduation is $280.00, which will be divided into two payments. A $140.00 deposit is due by the October deadline and an additional payment of $140.00 will be received January 22, 2025; both payments are non-refundable.
I have considered our homeschool's requirements for graduation and certify that the student applying for graduation has met those requirements.
I agree to attend senior meetings and participate in the mandatory group picture day, graduation rehearsal, and reception following the ceremony. If for some reason my student and family are unable to participate in the reception following the ceremony I will communicate to Jennie Ayers by April 3rd, 2025 with my reason for not participating.
I understand that this event is parent-led, but that the FED Board has the final say on matters related to the graduation ceremony. It is my goal to work alongside the coordinator and fellow parents in a collaborative effort, to make this event a positive experience that celebrates each senior student involved.
My signature signals agreement to the contract for myself, my spouse, and my student.